GNOSIS Map Server

GNOSISGlobalGrid map tileset

for roads

   (View TileJSON, JSON or ECON representation)

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Tile URL template:

Supported formats:
   gmt (GNOSIS Map Tiles)
   png (PNG)
   jpg (JPG)
   tif (GeoTIFF)

Tile Matrix Set definition

LevelMin RowMax RowMin ColMax Col
0 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 2 2
2 1 2 4 4
3 3 4 8 9
4 7 8 18 18
5 15 16 36 37
6 31 32 72 74
7 63 64 146 149
8 126 128 294 298
9 252 256 588 597
10 505 512 1178 1194
11 1010 1025 2358 2388
12 2020 2051 4716 4776
13 4041 4102 9432 9552
14 8083 8205 18866 19105
15 16166 16410 37732 38210