{ "id" : "AddAttributes", "title" : "Features Attributes Combiner", "version" : "1.0.0", "jobControlOptions": [ "sync-execute" ], "outputTransmission" : [ "value" ], "description" : "Import additional attributes into vector features.", "links" : [ { "href" : "http://maps.gnosis.earth/ogcapi/processes/AddAttributes/execution", "rel" : "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/execute", "title" : "Execution endpoint" } ], "inputs" : { "features" : { "title" : "Source feature collection", "description" : "The source feature collection to which attributes will be added.", "minOccurs" : 1, "maxOccurs" : 1, "schema" : { "type" : "object", "contentMediaType" : "application/geo+json", "$ref": "https://geojson.org/schema/FeatureCollection.json" } }, "featuresKey" : { "title" : "Source features key", "description" : "The joining key for the source feature collection.", "minOccurs" : 1, "maxOccurs" : 1, "schema" : { "type" : "string" } }, "attributes" : { "title" : "Attributes data source", "description" : "The data source from which attributes will be merged (geometry will be ignored).", "minOccurs" : 1, "maxOccurs" : 1, "keywords" : [], "metadata" : [], "schema": { "type" : "object", "contentMediaType" : "application/geo+json", "$ref": "https://geojson.org/schema/FeatureCollection.json" } }, "attributesKey" : { "title" : "Attributes key", "description" : "The joining key for the attributes data source.", "minOccurs" : 1, "maxOccurs" : 1, "keywords" : [], "metadata" : [], "schema": { "type" : "string" } } }, "outputs" : { "features" : { "title" : "Features with attributes", "description": "Features to which the attributes were added.", "schema" : { "type": "object", "contentMediaType": "application/geo+json", "$ref": "https://geojson.org/schema/FeatureCollection.json" } } } }