GNOSIS Map Server


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sentinel-2 (ESA) / COGs by Element84 @ aws
Data type: gridded coverage

Spatial extent

Latitude: from 90°S to 90°N
Longitude: from 180°W to 180°E
Maximum detailed scale: 1:34123.6733415965427
GNOSIS Global Grid level: 12 (WebMercatorQuad level: 14)
Resolution: 9.554628535647 m/cell (0.3089904785156 seconds/cell) at the equator
Cells represent an area

Temporal extent

Start time: Tue Nov 1 8:51:12 AM 2016
End time: Fri Oct 28 3:38:41 AM 2022
Resolution: seconds


   Schema for this collection

   Coverage for this collection

   Coverage tiles for this collection

   Map for this collection

   Map tiles for this collection

   Styles for this collection

   Discrete Global Grid Systems for this collection