{ links = [ { rel = "alternate", type = "application/json", title = "Information about the lights (\"Black Marble\") data (as JSON)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights?f=json" }, { rel = "self", type = "text/plain", title = "Information about the lights (\"Black Marble\") data (as ECON)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights?f=econ" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/mapml", title = "Information about the lights (\"Black Marble\") data (as MapML)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights?f=mapml" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/html", title = "Information about the lights (\"Black Marble\") data (as HTML)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights?f=html" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/dggrs-list", title = "Discrete Global Grid Systems for lights (\"Black Marble\")", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/dggs" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/schema", type = "application/json", title = "Schema (as JSON)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/schema?f=json" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/schema", type = "text/plain", title = "Schema (as ECON)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/schema?f=econ" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/schema", type = "text/html", title = "Schema (as HTML)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/schema?f=html" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/queryables", type = "application/json", title = "Queryables (as JSON)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/queryables?f=json" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/queryables", type = "text/plain", title = "Queryables (as ECON)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/queryables?f=econ" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/queryables", type = "text/html", title = "Queryables (as HTML)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/queryables?f=html" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/coverage", type = "image/png", title = "lights (\"Black Marble\") (as PNG; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/coverage?f=png" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/coverage", type = "image/tiff; application=geotiff", title = "lights (\"Black Marble\") (as GeoTIFF; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/coverage?f=tif" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/coverage-domainset", type = "application/json", title = "lights (\"Black Marble\") (domain set of the coverage for this collection)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/coverage/domainset?f=json" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/coverage-rangetype", type = "application/json", title = "lights (\"Black Marble\") (range type of the coverage for this collection)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/coverage/rangetype?f=json" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/map", type = "image/png", title = "Default map (as PNG)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/map.png" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/map", type = "image/jpeg", title = "Default map (as JPG)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/map.jpg" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/map", type = "image/tif", title = "Default map (as GeoTIFF)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/map.tif" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/tilesets-map", type = "application/json", title = "Map tilesets available for this dataset (as JSON)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/map/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/tilesets-map", type = "text/plain", title = "Map tilesets available for this dataset (as ECON)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/map/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/tilesets-map", type = "text/html", title = "Map tilesets available for this dataset (as HTML)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/map/tiles?f=html" }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/html", title = "Styles for lights (\"Black Marble\") (as HTML)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/styles?f=html" }, { rel = "styles", type = "application/json", title = "Styles for lights (\"Black Marble\") (as JSON)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/styles?f=json" }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/plain", title = "Styles for lights (\"Black Marble\") (as ECON)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/lights/styles?f=econ" } ], title = "lights (\"Black Marble\")", extent = { spatial = { bbox = [ [ -180, -90, 180, 90 ] ], grid = [ { cellsCount = 65536, resolution = 0.0054931640625 }, { cellsCount = 32768, resolution = 0.0054931640625 } ] } }, crs = [ "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84", "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326", "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/3857", "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/3395" ], storageCrs = "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84", id = "lights", dataType = "map", attribution = "NASA Earth Observatory", minScaleDenominator = 2183915.09386218, minCellSize = 0.0054931640625 }