GNOSIS Map Server

WebMercatorQuad coverage tileset

for Combined Elevation from SLA and Bathymetry from MPA (including 1.556m datum adjustment)

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Tile URL template:

Supported formats:
   gmt (GNOSIS Map Tiles)
   tif (GeoTIFF)
   png (PNG)

Tile Matrix Set definition

LevelMin RowMax RowMin ColMax Col
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1
2 1 1 3 3
3 3 3 6 6
4 7 7 12 12
5 15 15 25 25
6 31 31 50 50
7 63 63 100 100
8 127 127 201 201
9 254 254 403 403
10 508 508 807 807
11 1016 1016 1615 1615
12 2033 2033 3230 3230
13 4066 4066 6460 6461
14 8132 8133 12920 12922
15 16264 16266 25841 25844
16 32528 32533 51683 51689
17 65057 65066 103366 103379
18 130114 130133 206733 206758