{ links = [ { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/geodata", href = "/ogcapi/collections/fmsdi4-singapore:CombinedBathymetryTerrain" } ], dggrs = [ { id = "GNOSISGlobalGrid", title = "GNOSIS Global Grid DGGRS", links = [ { rel = "self", title = "GNOSISGlobalGrid DGGRS for Combined Elevation from SLA and Bathymetry from MPA (including 1.556m datum adjustment)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/fmsdi4-singapore:CombinedBathymetryTerrain/dggs/GNOSISGlobalGrid" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/dggrs-definition", title = "GNOSISGlobalGrid DGGRS definition", href = "/ogcapi/dggrs/GNOSISGlobalGrid" } ], uri = "http://www.opengis.net/def/dggrs/OGC/1.0/GNOSISGlobalGrid" }, { id = "ISEA9R", title = "ISEA Aperture 9 Rhombic", links = [ { rel = "self", title = "ISEA9R DGGRS for Combined Elevation from SLA and Bathymetry from MPA (including 1.556m datum adjustment)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/fmsdi4-singapore:CombinedBathymetryTerrain/dggs/ISEA9R" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/dggrs-definition", title = "ISEA9R DGGRS definition", href = "/ogcapi/dggrs/ISEA9R" } ], uri = "http://www.opengis.net/def/dggrs/OGC/1.0/ISEA9R" }, { id = "ISEA3H", title = "ISEA Aperture 3 Hexagonal", links = [ { rel = "self", title = "ISEA3H DGGRS for Combined Elevation from SLA and Bathymetry from MPA (including 1.556m datum adjustment)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/fmsdi4-singapore:CombinedBathymetryTerrain/dggs/ISEA3H" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/dggrs-definition", title = "ISEA3H DGGRS definition", href = "/ogcapi/dggrs/ISEA3H" } ], uri = "http://www.opengis.net/def/dggrs/OGC/1.0/ISEA3H" } ] }