GNOSIS Map Server


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Spatial extent

Latitude: from 1.28909°N to 1.3159173216237°N
Longitude: from 103.905043940177°E to 103.9418631245699°E
Maximum detailed scale: 1:2132.7295838497839
GNOSIS Global Grid level: 16 (WebMercatorQuad level: 18)


   Multi-layer vector tiles for this collection

   Map for this collection

   Map tiles for this collection

   Styles for this collection

   Discrete Global Grid Reference Systems for this collection

Component data collections

   Singapore CityGML Buildings (for FMSDI-4)
   Cadastre Landlots
   Combined Elevation from SLA and Bathymetry from MPA (including 1.556m datum adjustment)
   Area of Interest (FMSDI4)