{ title = "CQL2 Test Data", tileMatrixSetURI = "http://www.opengis.net/def/tilematrixset/OGC/1.0/GlobalCRS84Pixel", crs = "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84", dataType = "vector", tileMatrixSetLimits = [ { tileMatrix = "0", minTileRow = 0, maxTileRow = 0, minTileCol = 0, maxTileCol = 0 }, { tileMatrix = "1", minTileRow = 0, maxTileRow = 0, minTileCol = 0, maxTileCol = 1 }, { tileMatrix = "2", minTileRow = 0, maxTileRow = 1, minTileCol = 0, maxTileCol = 2 }, { tileMatrix = "3", minTileRow = 0, maxTileRow = 2, minTileCol = 0, maxTileCol = 4 }, { tileMatrix = "4", minTileRow = 0, maxTileRow = 4, minTileCol = 0, maxTileCol = 8 } ], links = [ { rel = "alternate", type = "application/json", title = "The JSON representation of the GlobalCRS84Pixel multi-layer vector tileset for cql2-test", href = "/ogcapi/collections/cql2-test/tiles/GlobalCRS84Pixel?f=json" }, { rel = "self", type = "text/plain", title = "The ECON representation of the GlobalCRS84Pixel multi-layer vector tileset for cql2-test", href = "/ogcapi/collections/cql2-test/tiles/GlobalCRS84Pixel?f=econ" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/html", title = "The HTML representation of the GlobalCRS84Pixel multi-layer vector tileset for cql2-test", href = "/ogcapi/collections/cql2-test/tiles/GlobalCRS84Pixel?=html" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "application/json+tile", title = "The TileJSON representation of the GlobalCRS84Pixel multi-layer vector tileset for cql2-test", href = "/ogcapi/collections/cql2-test/tiles/GlobalCRS84Pixel?f=tilejson" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/tiling-scheme", type = "application/json", title = "GlobalCRS84PixelTileMatrixSet definition (as JSON)", href = "/ogcapi/tileMatrixSets/GlobalCRS84Pixel" }, { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/geodata", href = "/ogcapi/collections/cql2-test" }, { rel = "item", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "GlobalCRS84Pixel multi-layer vector tiles for cql2-test (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/ogcapi/collections/cql2-test/tiles/GlobalCRS84Pixel/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true } ], layers = [ { id = "ne_110m_rivers_lake_centerlines", dataType = "vector", geometryDimension = 1, minScaleDenominator = 69885283.0035897, minCellSize = 0.17578125, maxTileMatrix = "4", links = [ { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/geodata", href = "/ogcapi/collections/ne_110m_rivers_lake_centerlines" } ], propertiesSchema = { schema = "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema", type = object, properties = [ {"label", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 4 }}, {"name", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 1 }}, {"name_de", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 5 }}, {"name_el", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 6 }}, {"name_en", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 2 }}, {"wikidataid", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 3 }} ] } }, { id = "ne_110m_populated_places_simple", dataType = "vector", geometryDimension = 0, minScaleDenominator = 69885283.0035897, minCellSize = 0.17578125, maxTileMatrix = "4", links = [ { rel = "http://www.opengis.net/def/rel/ogc/1.0/geodata", href = "/ogcapi/collections/ne_110m_populated_places_simple" } ], propertiesSchema = { schema = "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema", type = object, properties = [ {"adm0_a3", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 10 }}, {"adm0name", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 9 }}, {"adm1name", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 11 }}, {"boolean", { type = integer, xogcpropertySeq = 21 }}, {"capin", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 6 }}, {"date", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 18 }}, {"end", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 20 }}, {"featurecla", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 1 }}, {"ls_name", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 17 }}, {"meganame", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 16 }}, {"name", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 2 }}, {"namealt", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 4 }}, {"nameascii", { type = string, xogcpropertySeq = 5 }}, {"namepar", { type = string, 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"http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84" } }