GNOSIS Map Server

ISEA9R vector tileset

for NunsIsland

   (View TileJSON, JSON or ECON representation)

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Tile URL template:

Supported formats:
   gmt (GNOSIS Map Tiles)
   mvt (Mapbox Vector Tiles)
   json (GeoJSON)
   mapml (MapML)

Tile Matrix Set definition

LevelMin RowMax RowMin ColMax Col
0 0 0 0 0
1 2 2 2 2
2 6 6 8 8
3 20 20 24 24
4 60 60 74 74
5 181 181 224 224
6 543 544 673 673
7 1631 1632 2019 2020
8 4894 4898 6058 6061